The Intersection of Veterinary Medicine and Biblical Principles

Milee Naegele
3 min readJun 14, 2024


Veterinary medicine, as a profession dedicated to the care and treatment of animals, finds numerous intersections with the teachings and values presented in the Bible. The Bible, while primarily a spiritual and moral guide, also contains passages that reflect a profound respect for all of God’s creation, including animals. This article explores these connections, highlighting how biblical principles can inspire and inform the practice of veterinary medicine.

Stewardship and Care for Creation

One of the foundational themes in the Bible is the concept of stewardship. In the Book of Genesis, humans are entrusted with the responsibility of caring for the Earth and its creatures. Genesis 1:26–28 describes God’s directive to humanity to “rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” This stewardship is not a call to exploit, but rather to nurture and protect the natural world, embodying a relationship of guardianship.

Veterinarians, in their role, act as stewards of animal health. Their work aligns with the biblical call to care for creation by ensuring the well-being of animals, whether they are pets, livestock, or wildlife. This responsibility mirrors the biblical mandate to preserve and sustain life, showcasing a deep respect for the inherent value of all living beings.

Compassion and Mercy

The Bible frequently emphasizes the virtues of compassion and mercy, extending these values to all of God’s creatures. Proverbs 12:10 states, “The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.” This verse underscores the importance of empathy and kindness toward animals, recognizing their capacity for suffering and the moral duty to alleviate it.

Veterinarians embody this compassion through their daily work, whether it’s through the treatment of injured animals, the management of chronic conditions, or the alleviation of pain. Their profession is a testament to the biblical principle of mercy, providing care and relief to those who cannot advocate for themselves. This alignment with biblical values not only enriches the practice of veterinary medicine but also reinforces the ethical framework within which veterinarians operate.

Ethical Treatment and Justice

The Bible also advocates for justice and fair treatment for all beings. This includes the ethical treatment of animals, as reflected in various Old Testament laws designed to ensure humane practices. For example, Deuteronomy 25:4 commands, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” indicating a concern for the well-being of working animals and their right to benefit from their labor.

Veterinary ethics today echo these ancient principles by promoting the humane treatment of animals. Veterinary professionals are guided by codes of conduct that emphasize the ethical care of animals, ensuring their welfare and dignity. This ethical commitment is deeply rooted in a sense of justice that resonates with biblical teachings, advocating for a world where all creatures are treated with respect and fairness.

The Role of Animals in Spiritual Lessons

Animals are frequently used in the Bible to convey spiritual lessons and moral truths. From Noah’s Ark, which symbolizes salvation and care for all species, to Jesus’ references to sheep and shepherds, animals are integral to the narrative and teaching of the Bible. These stories often highlight the interconnectedness of life and the importance of compassion, humility, and stewardship.

For veterinarians, these biblical stories can serve as a source of inspiration and reflection. The symbolic use of animals in the Bible reminds veterinary professionals of the broader spiritual and ethical dimensions of their work. It encourages a holistic view of animal care that transcends mere physical treatment, considering the well-being of animals within the larger context of creation and community.


The links between being a veterinarian and the Bible are profound and multifaceted, rooted in shared principles of stewardship, compassion, ethical treatment, and justice. Veterinary medicine, through its commitment to the health and welfare of animals, embodies many of the values extolled in the Bible. By integrating these principles into their practice, veterinarians not only fulfill their professional duties but also contribute to the realization of a compassionate and just world, reflecting the divine mandate to care for all of God’s creatures.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

